Friday, January 23, 2009

Finding Our Way

Mom and dad went for dad's monthly check-up at Cancer Treatment Center in Tulsa from November 2008 through January 2009 and Papa Harold’s CEA (the marker for tumor activity in the blood) had been doubling. From December to January, his levels had went from 27 to 56 and the CT scan confirmed the tumors in his lungs and liver had doubled in size in a month - we were hoping that it was due to the IVC treatments killing the cancer cells causing his elevations but the scan proved that to be wrong.

Dr. Ketterl, his oncologist, want told them she wanted to do chemo (the same regimen he took in 2004 that did not have any affect on his cancer).

During October when mom and dad were visiting Ryan, Julie and Peyton in Indianapolis they had an IVC (intravenous Vitamin C) treatment with a Naturopathic Doctor that told them about a blood test that a German lab was doing that would test your blood for specific chemo and natural substances that would likely work best on your specific tumors.

Mom immediately began searching for the lab and a clinic in Germany that used the test. In the search, she found that a doctor in Reno, Nevada used the German blood test and additionally used a substance called Salicinium that has had great results on some other cancer patients. Mom contacted the clinic (it took several tries to get ahold of them) and set up an appointment for dad to go through the series of Salicinium treatments. It is a three week regimen that they wanted to begin immediately (in fact they set off on their journey last Friday, January 16 to drive the 24+ hours to the treatment center) so the doctor could start on Monday. After the 3 weeks of treatments, they will journey back home for two months and take the Salicinium orally and then come back to Reno again for a one week follow-up with the IV treatments...

On with the journey!


  1. Your strenght and determination have inspired us to take on the small challenges we have been putting off. You remind us that our bad days are actually quite tolerable and maybe even good after all! We love you! Lisa & David

  2. Thank you for sharing with the world. You will never know how many others your words may help.

    Good Luck & Good Health,

