Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Medicare Miracle?

Medicare Widens Drugs It Accepts for Cancer (click the text to see the NY Times Article)

This article is good news for cancer patients. When we get the results of the blood test from the German lab (it takes 2 to 3 weeks to get results so we may be on our way home or home before we hear anything), if it recommends using a drug that the FDA has not approved as a first line against colon cancer, Medicare will now pay for it, and they would not pay for anything that the FDA had not approved as first line prior to this law being enacted.

Harold continues to take a Salicinium IV treatment each day; today marks the half-way mark of the treatments and Harold seems to be getting stronger and is feeling better (he definitely has his ornery side back!).

Other good news is that we finally got car back yesterday - that was a very happy moment for us! Last night we watched 'Jersey Girl' at the hotel and also walked trail around the Truckee River. We also picked up some new luggage; this was the last item we needed to pick up that we lost in the break-in. We are still waiting to hear back from insurance on the replacements but unfortunately, we will have to foot at $1,000 to hit the deductible for our homeowners to kick in and we had a $250 deductible to replace the window - what a lesson in travel!

We are hoping the weather permits a trip this coming weekend to Napa and Sonoma Valley. It is about 3 and a half hours away from Reno.

1 comment:

  1. The Medicare article is great news! That is a move in the right direction.
    Glad you are back in your ride! What an expense. I am glad it was fixable and nobody was hurt.
    I am thrilled to hear Harold is feeling stronger! Being awnery takes a lot of energy! (giggle) He keeps us on our toes.
    I haven't heard of the Truckee River before
    now. I will have to look it up.
    Thanks for posting the play list. I will enjoy it while working today! We should go to the Blues Festival in Bricktown this June.
    Have a wonderful Thursday! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Lisa
